Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

what i get for raya...

hahahahaa.... raya dah giler lama lepas... tapi nak gak meroyan cite apa yg aku dpt masa raya kannnn... hehehe...

ohhhhh, btw, ingat tak my last post... "what i really one for raya" ngehhhhhhhhssss... guess what... dah dapat!! hihihihi... *lompat bintang tinggi2*

tapi cite sedih... raya pertama demam... hahahaha... sudahnya, tak berapa nak beraya laaaa... pegi yg wajib2 je.. so cite raya tahun ni... biasa jer...! huhuhu..

yang penting i got my dream bag (semua bag pon bermula ngan dream kannn) and thank you cinta... it's ur birthday yg kita celebrate but it's me who got the present! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ i love u laling!

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Friday, August 2, 2013

what i really want for raya.. 😉

ohhhhh... raya is just around the corner..
will definitely miss the spirit of ramadhan.. mcm ustaz kata.. masa ramadhan ni la manusia mula concern tentang waktu, concern.. "ehhh maghrib pukul berapa ye..." lol.. hihihi...
tapi yg tak tahan.. bila perut kenyang, tarawikh.. adoiii.. ustaz kata lagi.. "nak beribadat ni mmg la susah.. sebab ibadat tu ada berkat.. mata mmg ngantuk punya.." hihihi.. betul la ustaz.. tapi tak pernah plak org tertido time mengumpat kan!!! hahahaaa.. okay.. dushhhhh! kene sebijik! hahahaa.. sbb mmg la time tarawikh, waktu yg sedapnya dpt tido.. masyaALLAH..

"hopefully this ramadhan brings more barakah.. and may the spirit of ramadhan stay in our hearts and illuminate our souls from within... in sha ALLAH" moga kita ketemu lagi dengan ramadhan seterusnya... aamiinn..

hurmmmm... btw, how's ur raya preparation... as for both of us.. as usual.. tapi my hubby refuse to have new baju melayu on first raya.. since baju melayu nak pakai on our sister wedding, that is 2 weeks after raya.. okay.. sabar je laaaa.. so theme this year? apa yang ada, sebat saja!!! hahaha...
but..... what i really want for this raya is............. huhuhu.....

please dar....... huhuhuhu... kata cinta... ❤❤
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Thursday, August 1, 2013

iftar with dear friends..

before we proceed... minta ampun ye... sebab cite ni dah basi.. tapi nak gak publish! hahahaa... sengal tul aku!!

we're close frens since we're roomates during my study life kat shah alam dulu.. we're not classmate okay.. semua programme lain2.. hihihi... but we're so close to each other.. alhamdulilah.. the friendship continues eventhough masing2 dah kahwin and duduk jauh...
we occasionally spend time together.. ye laaaa jauh kannn.. plus memasing busy.. sib baik ada whatapps, wechat and fb... so always keep in touch.. and senang nak gossip.. hihihi.. so let me introduce one by one okay..

yg baju purple tu.. erma.. dia stay temerloh... so everytime kami janji nak jumpa she will purposely drive to kl... jauh kannn... but very commited with us (dah mcm ayat MLM plak... hihihi)... ohhh.. btw, she's pregnant.. so we're expecting addition to our small family ni.. alhamdulilah..

yg beside me tu.. munie.. she stay in subang.. and will get married soon.. yeayyyy.. alhamdulilah.. finally she finds her soulmate.. really happy for her..

and the other one is anis.. mommy of 3 adorable little muchkin!!! love them all.. semua comel.. we call them geboosss.. btw, she's in kl.. always busy with the kids.. tapi bila weolls get together.. both anis and her hubby mmg happy la sgt kannn.. sbb anak2 diaorg ni suka berkepit ngan kami yg lain.. so diaorg relax! hahahaa.. sabar je laaaa...

asyik nak ddk ngan mommy mujie jer.. they called me mommy mujie.. hihihi.. cute kann.. abg dawish and yaya.. comelsnye.. huhuhu.. makan pon mommy mujie suap tau...

kami ni suka makan, suka bercakap dan suka ketawa!! hahahaha.. ada je benda yg kami nak usik kannnn... sib baik la encik2 suami and bakal suami semuanya sporting and pon sama cam kami!! hahahaha...

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sayang.. it's ur birthday.. and i love you!

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Friday, June 7, 2013



TOLONGGGGG....TOLONGGGGGGG... ada spiderrrr!! ehhhhhhhhhh.... hihihi...
giler bersawang okay... berkurung tak update blog... al-maklum la bukan blogger tegar! hehehehe...



on top of my lazynessss.. 

my work seriously killing me!!.. 

my workload memang macam.... *%$@@..

i really miss my shopping routine! uwaaaaaaaa...

sempat jugak meninjau ke Pak Habib... hehehehe... 
ehhhhh, gold price drop giler tuuuu... so g la tengok-tengok.. ;P
wise investment katanya, kannnn.....

shopping baju tak? eheemmmm...

ada lah selai - dua.... huhuhuhu... 

tapi yang paling rajin adalah... MAKAN!!!

boleh mati okay klu tak makan.... hahahaaha...

banyak nak share... hurmm, last april sempat jugak g cuti2 ke penang since ada meeting kat sana.. nanti kasi upload pics ekkk... jalan mana lagi yee.... hurmmmmmm...

alaaaaaaa.... mmg jalan ke penang jer! sedihhhhhhhh! takmo cakap lagi laaaaa.... ;D


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

makan time..


Chili's is one of our favorite place.. tapi klu pegi sana selalu stuck tak tahu nak makan apa... takde la selalu sangat pegi.. tu yg everytime pegi mesti order lain2 menu... just to check out what is our favorite... pastu sometime nak g chilis ni yang lecehnya... harus kene beratur... penat sehhhhhh... perut dah la lapar.. kene mengunggu plak kan... sib baik masa tu, we're number 2 in waiting list.. so wait for 10 mins je laaa... bukan tunggu tengah pans pon... takat 10mins dlm klcc.. takde hal la beb!

ni mr dar... biasa arrr... pas2 order.. menung dulu... masing2 layan perasaan,.... pastu..

layan phone pulak... okay mr dar takde FB, takde instagram.. and twitter tak aktif pon, in fact tak penah on pon.... hahahaha... twitter dia, bini dia yg rajin dok godek2... hihhiihi... so tak risau sangat la kannn... and klu dia pegang phone is either checking email... whatssapp or game je laaaaaaa... unlike his wife... hehehe... ;p

i pulak... harus la posing dulu kannnnnn.... air tu air kosong sudah ye.... jimat kekdahnya! hahahah.... itu semua strategi... kang nak beli air lain pulak.... harus dah plan dlm otak minum petang di starbucks... ngehhhsssss.... sejak2 dah meningkat usia... kami try nak kurangkan minum manis dan ice.. tapi masa kat chilis tu.. diaorg bagi ice water... i telah jer! hihhihi...

our choice... my all time favorite... salmon.. serius terbaik...! tapi nasi goreng tu tak sedap coz not really my taste since ada pineapple... so yg mr dar yg habiskan... hehehe..

mr dar, pilih lamb... perghhhhhhh... terbaik gak laaaaa... and mash potatoes tu harussss bini dia yg abis kannn... sistem barter kata kannnnn...

kami yang sangat fokus pada makanan.... hahahaa... tengok badan la kannnn... harus fokus...

okay.... definitely this will be our choice next time... mmg sedap, kenyang and puas... salmon tu mmg sedap gilersss! i told you! plus kami dpt view yang sangat mendamaikan dan menambahkan serta membangkitkan selera makan kami.... hahahaha....

then... movie time.... then....



told ya.... starbucks time!
ye.. hobby kami memang makan...

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

♥ a DELIGHTFUL gift.. ♥

yeayyyyy... my next LV.. *lompat bintang*

it's fresh and hot from paris you.. since one of our good fren travel ke sana to visit diaorg punya sister.. so kirim la kannn.. tapi the price not really differ from kl.. so sesapa cam nak beli tu.. okay je beli kat kl (but for those yg rasa 200-300 tu not a big deal laaaa...) hahahahaa.. 

i done lot of study tau, pastu figure out some online seller tu jual 50 to 100 je different from butik kat kl so might as well beli kat sini jer.. that's why please be a smart shopper... kene study price dulu.... tapi for coach... definitely online murah... but still kene gak study sebab tak semua seller offer good price... nggggeeeeee.... end of story... ur money so u decide... hehehe...

my gucci tote and gucci jelly wedges pon beli kat kl, ehhhh... my speedy 30 pon beli kat kl laaa.. and dpt box bagai.. (box i claim later) but dun worry.. u can always claim the box as long as u bring on the receipt, eventhough beli jauh nun dari paris ye... ye laahhhh... takkan la dari paris sana nak bwk balik box besar bagak tu kannn.. agak2 arrr... tapi ada gak seller yg berhati waja bwk balik box kann.. hebat depa nih....

by the way, my new addition is a DELIGHTFUL PM bebeh!

why i choose delightful instead of neverfull?

hurmmmm... coz it's cheap! hahahaa..  okay, i say cheap when comparing to other LV like galliera, sully, alma and etc... peace... ;) (tapi bit expensive compared to NF)

masa p butik, i did try NF, but my personal opinion, the straps are too thin and from what i read, the strap may dig into ur shoulder especially if you carries a lot of stuff.. 
while for delightful, it is very comfortable on the shoulder and it is very pretty inside.

NF is that it's too plain (it's my personal opinion okay) at least the Delightful has those chunky gold rings (hardware) and the wide strap print Louis Vuitton, which may be my favourite part about this bag.. (i love the strap)

despite the unstructured look when you carry on shoulder, i just like  hobo style that you can use all the time especially since i already owned a gucci craft tote... so this time nak hobo pulak... plus my hubby not really into NF.. so kita kene la ikut cakap funder kannnn.... :)

below is the pic of me and my other half... it was last CNY, kami pi JPO.. ingat nak la g beli either coach flat atau SF flat... tapi huhhhh... nan ado!

later i will try to blog on how to authenticate your LV bag (based on my LV bag la ye...) especially to those who bought online... and yang new comer like me... hehehe... just to share and to avoid dari kene propa jerrr... duit tuuuu... murah ke mahal ke... it's still money that we earn and money that we spend.. kannnnnnn 

ohhhhh... just for info... starts 19 february... ehhhh today laaaa.. LV increased their price!! due to SA LV kat klcc, price increased from 50 to ntah maybe 1000 kot depend on model... faint!! nape ekkkkk, designer2 ni suka revised price... but base on economic theory price increase when there is an increase in demand... kelassssss kannn..

okay laaaaaaa.... till then.. now i'm planning and start survey for my next acquisition... hahahaha.... OVER OKAY!! i ckp kat my hubby... "dar... bie suka gak tgk prada yang kedut2 tu!" hahaha... but mr dar kata "syg... only devil wears PRADA..." oh myyyyy.... LOL (dengki la tuh kannn... hahaha... to all PRADA owner... just ignore my hubby.. coz whateve bag that u owned is gojes dear... seriously)

klu camtu... GUCCI laaaaaa.....

hehehehhee.... :)

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Thursday, January 31, 2013

hi-tea at Maya Hotel, KL

happy new year 2013 everyone.. may 2013 brings more wealth, health and success to us.. and may all dreams come true... (seriously dah outdated dah nak wish new year... hahahha..)

ohhhh.. ni cerita dah basi sbnrnye.. masa cuti2 nak new year last time.. we decided to ronda2 kl and did some window shopping.. saje nak exercise.. hehehe.. and since dah lama tak g hi-tea.. apa lagi, ber'hi-tea dulu la before shopping... and we choose Maya Hotel, KL.. sblm ni pernah la few time berbuka kat sini.. and the day yg kami pegi tu tak full house, so mmg convenient la kan..

food wise mmg okay.. not bad laaa.. but for me marriot still on the top la kannn... of course.. price pon beza ye yang... jom kita layan gmbr ekkk...

desert with choc fountain lagi.. tapi i'm not really excited laaa... sbb tak minat sangat and tak makan strawbery pon... hihii... tapi klu strawbery + choc kan mmg la teringat kat dato siti nurhaliza and dato k... kelass ko.. diaorg la yg popularkan dessert nih...

choc cake nih... memang terbaek....!!

the best part... ice cream.. haagen dazzz ko!

muka kekeyangan... alhamdulilah.. pasni nak g makan mana pulak ye... ;)

seriously... post ni mmg boring... hahaha..

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