Friday, August 2, 2013

what i really want for raya.. πŸ˜‰

ohhhhh... raya is just around the corner..
will definitely miss the spirit of ramadhan.. mcm ustaz kata.. masa ramadhan ni la manusia mula concern tentang waktu, concern.. "ehhh maghrib pukul berapa ye..." lol.. hihihi...
tapi yg tak tahan.. bila perut kenyang, tarawikh.. adoiii.. ustaz kata lagi.. "nak beribadat ni mmg la susah.. sebab ibadat tu ada berkat.. mata mmg ngantuk punya.." hihihi.. betul la ustaz.. tapi tak pernah plak org tertido time mengumpat kan!!! hahahaaa.. okay.. dushhhhh! kene sebijik! hahahaa.. sbb mmg la time tarawikh, waktu yg sedapnya dpt tido.. masyaALLAH..

"hopefully this ramadhan brings more barakah.. and may the spirit of ramadhan stay in our hearts and illuminate our souls from within... in sha ALLAH" moga kita ketemu lagi dengan ramadhan seterusnya... aamiinn..

hurmmmm... btw, how's ur raya preparation... as for both of us.. as usual.. tapi my hubby refuse to have new baju melayu on first raya.. since baju melayu nak pakai on our sister wedding, that is 2 weeks after raya.. okay.. sabar je laaaa.. so theme this year? apa yang ada, sebat saja!!! hahaha...
but..... what i really want for this raya is............. huhuhu.....

please dar....... huhuhuhu... kata cinta... ❤❤
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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