opppsss... first of all salam aidiladha... ada problem blogpress tak leh pki... aduhhh.. tapi apa2 pon...
mr & mrs z nak wish all muslims~
"selamat berkorban dan semoga pengorbanan kita mendapat keberkatan dan ganjaran yang berlipat ganda.. Amin..."
orait... now nak story-mory about stuff from europe... yes dear europe... hahaha... tapi bukan weollss yg g, klu la kitaorg yg pegi harus satu antero dunia ni tahu! hahahaha... it's my BIL... dia g tour satu europe... best kan... so, masa blk tu.. very the excited la kannnn sbb tahu akan ada je ole2 dari oversea...

ni la en rahimi aka tuan yg g travel tu... hehehe

~my sister's family, plus yg eldest, abang takde coz ddk asrama... huhuhu... ~
ni semua muka excited coz tahu pasni akan ada reward... hahaha
ok, so apa yg me and mr dar dpt... lalalalalala....

for mr dar: england jersey ngan polo tshirt... suka sangat la... ye arr, he is a collector.. yg color black tu latest rugby jersey ekk.. kat kl ada caler putih je... pastu of course MU kannnn...

for me...
yeaaaa... longchamp exclusively from paris... it's authentic ekkkkk....
sukeeee, pas ni nak short handle pulok...
yeaaaa... longchamp exclusively from paris... it's authentic ekkkkk....
sukeeee, pas ni nak short handle pulok...
and of course souvenir...

tapi alangkah bestnye klu kitaorg g sendiri.... hish.. hopefully one fine day dpt la merealisasikan impian... :) insyallah....
masa tu sure shopping tak hengattt! hahahaah... insyallah... amin2...
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