ombak rindu is a movie adapted from novel with same title.. trend kan ambik novel jadi filem.. but for me it's worth coz normally novel ni dah ada followers and people tend to see the result bila ia difilemkan...
hehehe, including me... :D
actually i've waited this movie for so long, since my cousin sister yg minat kat aaron told me..
and get excited coz i'd read the book... tapi lama dah la, but the story line is always in my head.. ;p
i love to read how cool is hariz, izzah is so tough and their love is definitely true love... cabaran2 dlm memperjuangkan cinta mereka.. how ego is hariz, but izzah is sooo patient... and actually hariz fall in love with izzah on the first time the met..
as for this movie, ok.. you can't expect to much coz you only have 2 hrs to compress everything.. jadi ada byk la scene2 yg ada dlm buku but takde dlm film...
klu dlm buku, ruang utk berkarya tu kan lebih luas.. and elaboration pon very la detail...
but then this movie for me delivered the main content psl cinta antara izzah dan hariz.. especially on how they feel among each other..
i will not comment on the cast since i think they had done their best..
cuma mungkin sebagai pembaca novel, personally i think more satisfied reading than watching...
but after all still tak rugi pon pegi tgk.. yet, the song is superb.. anyway, support our local film industry beb... :)
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