olla everyone....
how's ur weekend darlss?
hehehee... mine was so owesome...
ye la.. as long as bersama dgn org tercinta.. semua nya indah kannnn...
so last saturday.. we went to mid valley, again timberland ada sale and extra anothef 15% for member!!! veryyyy la kannnn...

pastu sambung ke one utama..
beli apa? hurmmmm... another 3 pants! faint.... heehe..
as usual tak byk pics being taken.. ye larrr.. dua2 pon bkn minat na ngan fotografi ni kannn...
(pasni nak lebih rajin taken more and more pics).. so apa yg ada je lar...

nice x'mas deco...
mcm dlm movie barbie pulak... hehehehe

ehemmmm... my new flats from zara... terus pakai ye coz dah tak tahan berjalan pki crocs wedges... hahaha... very paintful you.. so i do respect la those yg boleh pki heels then jalan jauh2... but definitely not me!!! hehehee...
pastu the nextday... time for my nieces and nephews plak g jalan2...
mood~happy :D

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